Pro-fit Support Fund Claims

Thank you for registering your business for the Pro-fit Support Fund.  You can now lodge a Repair Leak Claim and Ceiling Pipe Replacement Quote Submission.  


Please note, registration is a one-time-only process. You can make multiple claims and quote submissions as detailed in the Leak Repair Claim and Ceiling Pipe Replacement Quote Submission sections below.   


Once you have completed a claim or quote submission, you will be provided with a claim or quote number by email. Your claim or quote submission will then be assessed by the Customer Care Team.  Assessments are currently taking up to 10 business days.  


Once your claim or quote submission has been assessed, we will notify you by email of the outcome of the assessment or contact you to discuss further. 


If you have any further questions about submitting a claim or quote submission or to discuss a submission, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care Team at or by calling 1300 850 622.   






Leak Repair Claim

Who can submit a claim?

Approved registrants are entitled to submit a claim for reimbursement from the Fund for repair works caused by leaking Pro-fit pipes in an Eligible Home that has already been carried out by that plumber or builder.


What costs can be recovered?

Iplex Australia will contribute to the following costs associated with repair works in an Eligible Home:

  • the reasonable costs (ie: trade price costs plus reasonable labour costs) of repairing or replacing leaking Pro-fit pipes; and
  • reasonable costs (ie: trade price plus reasonable labour costs) associated with repairing property damage directly caused by the leaks.

If you have previously been paid for or reimbursed for these costs (eg by an insurer, the homeowner or directly by Iplex Australia), you will not be entitled to make a claim under the Fund.


When should the claim form be completed?

The claim form should be completed after you’ve completed the repair works at the Eligible Home and you have the information needed to establish your eligibility and the evidence to support your application.


What information do I need to provide to make a claim?

You will be required to provide as much information as you can relating to the Eligible Home and repair works conducted at each property.

At a minimum, you will be required to provide for each Eligible Home:

  • proof that the pipe in question was Pro-fit by way of a photograph of the full print message on the pipe (where the print message is not visible from the place of repair, because it is in the chase in a wall, where possible, follow the line to the roof and capture the print message as the pipe comes out of the wall);
  • proof that the Pro-fit pipe leaked in the Eligible Home by way of a photograph of the pipe in situ prior to the repair;
  • sample of the pipe to be provided to Iplex;
  • proof of the reasonable costs (ie. trade price plus reasonable labour costs) incurred to repair or replace the leaking Pro-fit pipe as well as a photograph of the completed repair; and
  • proof of the reasonable costs (ie. trade price plus reasonable labour costs) to repair property damage (if any) and that it was directly caused by the leaking Pro-fit pipe.


What is the claim process?

  1. Submit a claim by clicking on the 'Submit a Claim' link below. A claim submission cannot be partially completed and then submitted at a later time, so please ensure all required information is available before commencing the claim entry.
  2. Your application will be assessed by Iplex Australia. If further information is required to assess your application, or if it has any questions regarding your application, Iplex Australia will contact you.
  3. Applications must be accompanied by a valid itemised tax invoice/s for the amount you are seeking to be reimbursed that specifies your bank account details to facilitate reimbursement payments.
  4. If approved, Iplex Australia will aim to reimburse claims within 10 days of claim approval.


Submit a Claim

To submit a new claim relating to Pro-fit leak repair click here. Each Eligible Home being claimed for must be submitted on a separate claim form.

Ceiling Pipe Replacement Quote Submission

Who can submit a quote?

Approved registrants are entitled to submit a quote for ceiling pipe replacement works in an Eligible Home.


What is the purpose of these works?

To help alleviate the frustration and inconvenience that homeowners and their families are facing, Iplex Australia is offering to reimburse costs of replacing Pro-fit pipes in the ceiling cavities of Eligible Homes (so long as the cost of such works has been pre-approved by Iplex Australia). 

Any payments are made on a no-admissions basis. 


What costs may be covered?

Iplex Australia will pay the reasonable costs of replacement of Pro-fit pipe installed in the ceiling cavity of an Eligible Home in accordance with an approved quote.


What is the process?

  1. Prior to replacing Pro-Fit in the ceiling cavity of an Eligible Home, you will need to complete and submit a quote for approval by Iplex Australia.
  2. The quote will be assessed and, if accepted, Iplex Australia will approve all or a portion of the proposed costs.
  3. Payment by Iplex Australia will occur after completion of the replacement works and is strictly conditional upon:
    • The following items being provided to Iplex Australia:
      • The detailed photographs and information required by Iplex Australia that will be specified to you on acceptance of your quote.
      • A final itemised invoice for the works conducted which is equal to (or less than) the pre-approved quote amount;
      • Samples of removed pipe labelled and bagged in accordance with Iplex’s specifications; and
      • all of the remaining Pro-fit ceiling pipe is to be removed from the Eligible Home and transferred to an Iplex representative who will visit the property on the day the works occurs.
    • The replacement work being:
      • performed by a licensed provider; and
      • being certified as code compliant; and performed in accordance with relevant Iplex instructions (where provided) and manufacturer instructions.
  4. Once the above conditions are met, Iplex Australia will aim to reimburse claims within 10 business days of claim approval.

Note: All quotes must be pre-approved by Iplex Australia prior to any replacement works being conducted. 


What information do I need to provide for the quote?

You will be required to provide as much information as you can relating to the replacement works as specified in the Quote Submission form.

At a minimum, you will be required to provide for each Eligible Home:

  • proof that the pipe in question was Pro-fit by way of a photograph of the full print message on the pipe (where the print message is not visible from the place of repair, because it is in the chase in a wall, where possible, follow the line to the roof and capture the print message as the pipe comes out of the wall);
  • proof that the Pro-fit pipe leaked in the Eligible Home by way of a photograph of the pipe in situ prior to the repair;
  • sample of the pipe to be provided to Iplex;
  • proof of the reasonable costs (ie. trade price plus reasonable labour costs) incurred to repair or replace the leaking Pro-fit pipe as well as a photograph of the completed repair; and
  • proof of the reasonable costs (ie. trade price plus reasonable labour costs) to repair property damage (if any) and that it was directly caused by the leaking Pro-fit pipe.


Will Iplex cover the cost of replacing Pro-Fit pipes installed in the walls and floors?

The Fund has been established to reimburse costs incurred in replacing Pro-fit pipes installed in the ceiling cavity of Eligible Homes.  It does not extend to replacing other parts of the property, including Pro-Fit in walls or floors, unless that is required to fix an active leak. 


Submit a Quote

To submit a new ceiling pipe replacement quote relating to replacing Pro-fit in a ceiling cavity click here. Each Eligible Home being quoted for must be submitted on a separate quote submission form.