Information on Pro-fit polybutylene pipes in WA
About Pro-Fit
The Polybutylene Hot and Cold Crimp System range, branded as Pro-fit™ was part of the Iplex range for more than 20 years. The product is certified to the relevant Australian Standard AS/NZS2642.2.
Iplex is aware of a number of complaints in the Perth area related to plumbing failures in hot and cold-water systems, where Iplex Polybutylene (Pro-fit) products have been installed.
Information for owners of WA homes with Typlex Pro-fit polybutylene plumbing pipes
How are we addressing the issue?
The Western Australian Government, a number of WA’s home builders and Iplex Australia have together reached an in principle agreement to address plumbing failures occurring in some WA homes constructed with Pro-Fit Typlex pipe (Joint Industry Response). These homes were typically constructed between mid-2017 to mid-2022
Through the Joint Industry Response (or JIR), parties have committed to cover the cost of repairs to eligible WA homes affected by plumbing failures.
Homeowners will also be eligible for the installation of a leak detector unit, free of charge (regardless of whether their builder has signed up to be a part of the JIR), to provide early alerts and reduce impact in the event of a leak.
The full details of the Joint Industry Response will be released once the agreement is completed.
For further information on the Joint Industry Response announcement, please go to –
FBU Announces Industry Response to WA Plumbing Issues (
Homeowners should contact their builder for further details.
What should I do if I have a plumbing failure in my home?
Should a homeowner identify a leak, they should immediately turn off water at the water mains and notify their home builder.
Iplex recommends that homeowners contact their home builder in the first instance, to ensure that their plumbing teams can respond directly to investigate any issues and correctly capture the details, obtain samples of the pipework for analysis, and then determine the next steps for the homeowner.
The Western Australian Government has advised that if you are not satisfied with the response from your home builder, you may lodge a building services complaint with the Building Commissioner.
How do I know if I have Pro-fit Typlex pipe?
Pro-Fit piping can be identified by its light grey appearance and “IPLEX” and “TYPLEX’ watermarking.
What is happening with the Iplex Interim support fund?
The Fund will remain available for registered builders/plumbers until 30 September 2024, following which it will terminate.
Are Pro-fit pipes covered by a warranty?
Iplex provides a product warranty for Pro-Fit covering manufacturing defects for a 25-year period. The specific product warranty terms that apply will depend on a number of factors, including the date of manufacture of the Pro-Fit installed. You can obtain further details and submit a claim under the product warranty by notifying Iplex in writing by contacting us through our portal below.
Click here for further information about the Pro-Fit product warranty.